• Beyond Bees: The Unsung Heroes of Pollination.

    A letter from Dafydd Lewis published in the Amateur Entomologists’ Society. Introduction for FFON by Simon H King FLS: While bees often capture the limelight in discussions about pollination, their stage is shared with unsung heroes that operate under the cloak of night. This guest post by Dafydd Lewis shines a spotlight on moths, the…

  • Marvellous Moths

    Marvellous Moths

    By David McHattie. Colourful visitors photographed during Essex garden lock-down from the Dengie Peninsula. I have been lucky this spring – lots of moths and butterflies to see in the garden. I have enticed the “visitors” with a pheromone lure (Emperor Moth), the Cinnabar Moth with the UV light from a moth trap, but the…